Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Page!

Pokemon vs Yu-gi-oh was added to this blog. It will conclude which is the best. In my opinion Pokemon is better. Just saying..

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Stuff on this Blog

Now I added with the help of my friend denver, new stuff. There is now 2 new games and there will be more. A page to tell you what the blog is about and pictures of the invention. There will be more things added to this blog....SOON.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012


There are different colors in the world. And there are different colors for your Gamepad. And there will also be different themes. Like other video game themes. But, I'm still working on the prototype model. Which will show us some uneven difficulties. And you don't have to worry....not yet actually.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Memory Unit

This is a close-up view of how the Memory card or SD card will look like. Next to it is the 100 GB chip to save your games data. It will take a lot of games to fill up all those Gigabytes. If this product is ever on the market it will be priced at $45.00 which wont cost too much.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


These are the controls of the Gamepad for MW3. Just like the Xbox/PS3 but portable.  Everyone will like this.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


These are some of the popular games you can play on the Gamepad. You can download them at the gaming store. The controls change if you are playing MW3 or playing Pokemon. I'll explain the controls in a later post. But there are some games you cant play on the Gamepad like online games.You can play them only if the game was transferred to a console like Minecraft on the Xbox 360. The enjoyable list of games or endless.

The gamepad

The gamepad is a type of portable sytem thats lets you download ANY game. It came from the vision of the xbox remote. But you can also text people in two ways touch screen or an accessory that is a key board. This on the bottom of this sentence is the accessory. Gaming will be one portable joyride!